Expanding our outreach

"Write the vision,
and make it plain on tables,
that he may run who reads it,
for the vision is yet for an appointed time,
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie,
Though it tarries wait for it,
Because it will surely come.
Habukkuk 2

I'm free from my chains by Him who heals my heart, and brings me back to my Father.
Luke 9:42
The vision for Living Waters Outreach is a place to facilitate such an outpouring of God's love and healing that it will be an oasis of peace for those who come. Living Waters is more than a church. It is an outreach for the lost and hurting. We are not limited to one congregation, but act as an outreach for all people that would seek God and want to find Him. For those who are lost and hurting to find peace and restoration. For those that need healing in their bodies to have a resource of love and hope. And whoever are thirsty, that they would come and drink.

Efforts are currently underway to expand our Living Waters Outreach facilities. Our vision is to bring resources that will bring people together, offer health and wellness help, along with spaces to meet and fellowship.

The Garden
The garden will be a beautiful walking trail circling the back property.  Along the path there will be benches and picnic areas where you can pray or gather with friends and family for a peaceful picnic lunch.

The Pavilion
 Currently underway is the construction of the pavilion. The pavilion will be a place of community and gathering that will host quiet meeting places, coffee shop, and a market. A variety of locally sourced goods for mind and body, and gift shop will also be available.